Sport and physical activity
Sport and physical activity is a valued and accepted part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning. The participation, enjoyment and skill development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program.
Our school holds three carnivals per year (swimming, cross country and athletics) with opportunity for representation at zone, regional, state and national levels. We also participate in a variety of NSW Combined High Schools Knockout competitions throughout each year.
There are also opportunities to represent our school at inter-school sports competitions. As a NSW public school we benefit from the opportunities for shared activities and competitions with other schools, coordinated by school sport associations.
Sport takes place every Wednesday afternoon for students in Years 7-10 and is strongly encouraged for our senior students. Some of the sports offered at Corrimal High School include swimming, surfing, Oz tag, volleyball, group fitness (gym), gridiron (modified), tennis, ten pin bowling, lawn bowls, basketball, walking, cycling, darts, dodge ball and relaxation.
Corrimal High School students are enthusiastic and competitive participants in the Northern Illawarra Zone Grade Sport Competition. This competition takes place during Terms 2 and 3 and includes the following sports: Oz tag, ultimate Frisbee, netball, touch football, slow pitch softball, football, basketball and capture the flag.
Most sports are held at school and can be provided free of charge; however, some sports involve a cost. This covers fees for both the venue and transport to and from.
The school also participates in programs at a regional and state level. For several years students have participated in the Southern Stars Dance Ensemble. All students involved enjoy the atmosphere of the performances and display a high level of commitment in attending the various rehearsals held in the lead up to the event.