Transition is a very important aspect of a student’s progression from a primary school setting, through secondary school and into a post-school career pathway. While the change may be exciting, for many, the shift from Year 6 into Year 7 can be a difficult time for students as they move from a familiar setting to a new environment.
Corrimal High School staff are committed to making the transition for students an enjoyable process that will continue not only through Years 6 and 7 but follow through all school stages and even the first year after school completion.
Upon entering secondary school, Peer Support and Anti-Bullying workshops continue across the year to further support the transition process. A Transition Camp is organised, with new Year 7 students and Year 11 mentors attending to better develop student relationships.
The Transition Team continues to support students throughout major transition periods in Year 8 and 10 subject selection events. The support remains in Years 11 and 12 through the completion of Aspiration Plans, where students identify post-school pathways and receive tutoring support, work experience and tertiary education connections.
Finally, team members contact and support students for the first year after graduation, assisting with wellbeing, connection and references.