Corrimal High School provides opportunities for all students, staff and the wider community to acquire and develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal histories, cultures and experiences.
The NSW Department of Education acknowledges the connections between identity, Aboriginal culture and wellbeing and incorporates various programs to build and bridge the connections made in these areas, embedding student wellbeing approaches to increase student engagement, participation and retention.
At Corrimal High School, we are committed to establishing and building those quality connections with First Nation community groups. Links with the community are crucial for all First Nation students. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders culture revolves around and functions on the social connections and community of people they live with. Corrimal High School supports links with the First Nations community and has been involved in the following activities:
· a cooperative agreement with the NIAECG (Northern Illawarra Aboriginal Education Consultative Group) has been signed. Attendance at NIAECG meetings allows information from this peak advisory community group to inform discussion with the CHS AL&EC team.
· close links with feeder Primary Schools e.g. NAIDOC Day celebrations and Formal Assemblies.
· close links to Aboriginal community members and organisations
· presence at many First Nation celebration and commemoration activities.
Parents and community are welcome and your involvement in our school, and school decision process, is wanted. We would be happy to discuss your involvement within the school and community and ask that you contact the Principal (Mr Paul Roger), Aboriginal Learning and Educational Centre teacher’s (Mrs Lisa Quinn & Mr Keifer Power), or Aboriginal Student Learning Support Officer’s (Cassie Spears and Ricki Davis)