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Library News December 2019

Library News December 2019

School Library – Any Place, Any Time: Utilise your school library these holidays!

Did you know you can access the school library from your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone???

Simply sign in to your student portal and add “My School Library” to your essentials home screen.

You can access our database of library resources including books, journal articles, websites and videos from the comfort of your own home during the holidays. You can also download the App!

You can now borrow and read 24/7 with exciting eBooks (electronic books)!

Easily accessed at school or at home by:

Downloading the Wheelers eplatform app on you device, choose Corrimal High as your library, use your DET login details

Visit the website , choose Corrimal High as your library, use your DET login details.

For more information see the librarian.


A reminder that Corrimal High School has invested in ClickView for student access. Online access to our ClickView library means that every student can access videos easily at home for research, homework, assignments and leisure.

All students can access ClickView Online by following these steps:

  1. Go to this link (
  2. Enter your NSW student email address (example:
  3. Select your school (Corrimal High School)
  4. Enter your student portal username and password to login
  5. Search for videos or look in your subject folders

Student access is restricted to videos that are appropriately rated for their particular age group, according to the Australian Classification Standards.

If you wish to stream to your phone or tablet there is also a Clickview App (available for Android and iOS) that, once installed, behaves very much like Netflix or iView streaming services.

If students are having difficulty accessing this resource, please see the Teacher Librarian, Miss Zalewski.

Premiers Reading Challenge 2019:

Corrimal High School proudly acknowledges and congratulates all students who participated in and completed the 2019 Premiers Reading Challenge. Certificates will be handed out at the end of the year for successful students. 

Living Books:

This term we were fortunate enough to have the Wollongong City Council Living Books Program held in the Corrimal High School library for our Year 10 students. Wollongong Living Books is a program where real people, known as ‘books’, share their life stories and experiences. As a reader, the students engaged in conversations with the ‘books’, asked questions, and listened to their stories. The ‘books’ came from lots of different backgrounds. They all had a unique story to tell that helped students see the world in new ways and challenge stereotypes. This was a great program for our students and we thank the Wollongong City Council for the opportunity. 


The library has been busy getting resources ready for the Renaissance Reading Program. In 2020, Corrimal High School Year 8 students will be participating in the Renaissance Reading Program. The program is designed to encourage and improve students' reading skills. The program assesses students reading abilities and allows them to choose books from the library that are appropriate to their reading level and age, which will further develop their interest in reading. Students will then participate in online quizzes based on their selected texts to test their reading ability. Set periods of time will be given to students to read their books during classes and students will also undertake additional literacy activities and workshops to further develop their skills.



We have just finalised our purchases for the new makerspace in the library which will be open in 2020. We are excited for students and the wider school community to utilise the space to design, experiment and showcase the new equipment including Makey Makey’s, Edison Robots, Arduino’s, Lego, Strawbee’s and Creative Building Supplies.

The Makerspace has been developed to reflect a hands on learning approach to creating with tools and technology.  The idea is “about creating creative people” through the process of experimenting in a structured learning environment.  We designed the Makerspace to encourage students to try technology that they wouldn't normally get exposure to and for those students who want to simply open up their creativity through quick and easy DIY projects.

Teacher Librarian Thanks:

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the students, staff and school community in my first year here at Corrimal High School. I would like to publicly thank you all for making my first year here so enjoyable and educational and for making me feel welcome as part of the school community. Special thanks to the support library staff; Sam Bridges, Tracey Newman and Amanda Smith for their commitment and work in the library this year – we appreciate all you do!

 I look forward to the future in the refurbished library and the programs that will take place within the space. I especially look forward to the introduction of the 2020 Library Makerspace as well as the introduction of the Renaissance Reading Program.

Have an enjoyable and safe holiday (try to read some books) and I look forward to seeing you all in 2020.

Miss Zalewski