21 Apr 2021

CHS Year 9/10 Food Tech students had a wonderful day participating in the 2021 Multicultural Intergenerational ‘Cook Off’, organised by Multicultural Communities Council Illawarra (MCCI) in collaboration with Illawarra Fraternity Club. The ‘Cook Off’ event took place in the CHS kitchens and involved talented Cooks from multicultural backgrounds teaming up with our students to produce traditional dishes from all around the world.
The program, which ran over three sessions, aims to grow relationships between young people and seniors by sharing stories, talents and a passion for cooking.
‘Cook Off’ teams on the day represented Italy, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Sri Lanka and India, and worked all morning to cook up an amazing spread of delicious multicultural cuisine, including Meat Balls, Chicken Paella, Stuffed Capsicums, Fasolia, Yellow Rice, Mint sambal, Cucumber Raita and more! Some of these recipes had been in families for many generations and were passed onto our students to enjoy, so special!
But the best part of the day was enjoying this amazing multicultural feast in the CHS Pleasance and hearing the stories of family traditions, food and recipes told by the MCCI volunteers. Thanks again to these amazing ladies for sharing their knowledge and passion. It was much appreciated by CHS.
Guests on the day included; Greg Field (General Manager Fraternity Club); Chris Lacey (CEO MCCI); Ken Habak (Chairperson MCCI); Debbie Rowe (Director Public Schools); Ryan Park (Member for Keira).